vanezzaospina replied to the topic Stepping Away (September 2018 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 4 months ago
As a new BN s1, it has been hard living work “on time”. I’ve had days where my husband has called and said “why you still there”…I’ve had other days that I’ve forgotten to eat lunch…
I do try not to bring work home (literally) however, my mind does not stop…I think of what I did not finish for the day, what I still have to do the next day, what my boss is going to say if something is late, how I am going to handle certain situations at work and the list goes on.
Here goes my experience thus far:
1. Does your supervisor establish hard times for leaving home? No in my experience, he will mention “do not stay late” or “why are you still here” but no set time per say.
2. Do you establish a set time to depart work? Working on it…I think that once I stablish a more clear battle rhythm it’ll get better and I’ll be able to leave at a decent time.
3. Do you change out of your uniform before commuting home? No, I reside on post so really no need…unless I’m going to the gym then yes.
4. Do you leave admin work (such as award or eval writing) solely for home? Home is home…it’s my get away!
5. Do you even opt to have a CAC reader at home? This is a must…not so much for work but for personal use.
6. If you work in an environment where the resources are only at work (SCIF, Sharedrive, local software, etc), how do you balance Mission and Family / Personal Life? This is totally me! and it is a work in progress…i’ll get back to this question around Jan time frame…BN S1 still new to me so it has been a roller coaster this past couple of weeks.