
  • vanezzaospina replied to the topic "Firing" your NCO in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 4 months ago

    I kept the details to a minimum on my post, nonetheless I was quite thorough on my counseling for expectation on NCOIC duties and responsibilities. It seems like this SM is motivated however over the past couple of weeks there has been tasks that have come down and have been turned in late or not done at all. We get 1SG coming in asking for guidance and wrong information has been put out by the current NCOIC. As a BN S1 I tell everyone “we are not paper pushers, we are here to guide the BC and provide clear information on what he/she will be signing”…unfortunately it seems like that is what is happening; paper pushing as opposed to analyzing what our personnel needs in order to better advice the BC.

    As the OIC I am the one getting the “talk” which is normal and I understand. Unfortunately, many bridges have been burnt by this individual. CSM is tracking and so is the XO. I plan on providing monthly counseling’s so it is in writing.