
  • pstofan replied to the topic Heading to JRTC as the BN MEDO.. in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 2 months ago

    Integrate with the SPO shop. Start thinking about MASCAL and personnel moves now. How will “dead” Soldiers move around the battlefield when the Brigade Support Area (BSA) jumps? We had a BN die twice in a short amount of time. You can’t be prepared for that many Soldiers but you should at least try to have a decent plan.


    Who is your higher and how do you contact them? Do you have your own dedicated radio or JCR? If you don’t I recommend you find one or ask if you can “permanently” borrow one from someone.  Who is in charge of the casualties? Does it fall under your purview or someone else? Also CSM’s and 1SG are integral to the casualty and medevac plan. Rope them in and see how they envision things working as well. A plan put together by all parties involved will work better if they have buy in.


    Good luck.