
  • vanezzaospina replied to the topic MDMP in the USAR in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 10 months ago

    @vmabshire I have a couple of great answer gather from other Reserve Compo Professionals.

    Please bared with me as I post each answer…there is great information in all, hope it helps!


    1. Is the whole BN being stood up? The BDE should be putting people on ADOS- or TPU’s from the BN- to do this. There is a unit in my building being stood up and the brought some one on orders from
    Under the same command to head it up. It is just a company though. I would either recommend requesting extra AT days, RMA’s and AMA’s. Or request for AT being a planning conference. Makes no sense to have a traditional AT while a unit is being stood up

    2. You can start planning during a BA weekend and figure out who is going to be part of the staff planning team. I second what (#1 response) said you will need to be placed on orders whether it’s for a week of AT or ADOS. We did MDMP at my last unit but without a staff to sync up and get everyone on the same page at the same time will not work if people are working their civilian jobs.

    3. It’s not going to be easy. But you need to spend a BA with the folks you have first. Start the MDMP process and delegate out some of the mission analysis pieces to individuals who yes, need to work in it during the month. Hold some IPRs to check on progress during the month. Remember to offer them points or RMAs for doing this work. You need to be excited for them- keep them engaged and get them to buy into why this is so important. It can be done with little FT help, but it’s going to require a lot out of you.

    4. Have some things ready to go before the weekend starts: slide decks, any guidance from the commander, problem set/task. Then publish a schedule for when different steps will be complete and briefs given to the commander. It makes it a lot easier if MDMP is the only thing the staff is working on, but if that’s not feasible, build other time into the schedule for them to conduct “routine business.”

    Also, try to set up some MDMP training at a post near you. At my first reserve unit we got one week at the MTC, and it was really helpful to get everyone in the same page and manage expectations.