
  • pstofan replied to the topic Student to Lieutenant pt.5 in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 1 month ago

    You both hit the nail on the head with a lot of this. On to finances though. Start your retirement now. Put a few percent into the TSP or BRS if you so choose. It’s great now that the government will match what you put in now too. It’s easier to increase when you are young and single for each year then not having anything started when you start a family. Start saving for future now because compound interest is amazing as a young person.

    Buying a vehicle. If you really need to do it then by all means, but if you just want a new fancy AUDI/BMW/BENZ because you have income think about it. I thought I could afford a truck and a boat as a 2LT/1LT. I couldn’t afford both by any means, but ended up with the brand new truck anyway. I also bought the truck new knowing I wouldn’t get rid of it anytime soon. It’s a 7 yr old truck that I planned ahead for with options and what I wanted it to do later.

    What I’m saying is if you think you may end up starting a family anytime soon or in the next few years is that new two seat BMW really worth buying once you get married and have a kid on the way? Can you put anything in that car when you have to move across country every 3 years? Just think a few years down the road because after all we are officers that are paid to think about the planning for the future.