
  • pstofan replied to the topic Meeting your first sergeant for the first time in the forum Junior Officer 6 years ago

    1. While it gets to it I think as a young LT just be open about your relationship. Talk to the CO first and maybe get some back story or tidbits of info that may help you. A lot of LT’s are scared of the 1SG but I made a point for my second 1SG during command to really use him to also help mentor my LT’s since we had E6’s as PSG’s and ,my 1SG was top notch and could tell the LT’s what they were actually doing wrong and mentor them the right way. Suffice to say it actually got heated a few times between them, and at the end of the day I think it helped their relationship.

    2. My first meeting didn’t go so hot with my first 1SG. I knew him from staff and I did not put what I needed to on paper and the company did not run as smoothly as it could have if I had laid out what I wanted him to do.

    3. New commanders must counsel 1SG’s on what you want them to do. Even though they have 18-20 years and you may only have 6 you must do it. I failed to do that the first time around and I suffered the consequences. The same goes for that PL and PSG. If ROTC or West Point did not prepare you for that meeting or counseling talk to your CO about it. That’s what CO’s are for. Its weird having to counsel and lay out what you want some grizzled old vet to do but they are professionals and will understand and give guidance. They have done it for years and will continue to do so.