
  • pstofan replied to the topic What's it like to work with Warrant Officers? in the forum Junior Officer 6 years ago

    As a logistics officer we have many WO’s in our field. Some are good and some are bad. Usually the good ones will as you said show you the tough love and help you. I remember my first motor officer helping me write my OER because my commander wasn’t. He sat me down and he gave me a few of his support forms to show me what it would look like. He was also all over it for maintenance and looking at it now I wish he would have let me take some of that from him so I could have learned it. Most of the time he just told me “I got it LT you go worry about something admin related for the platoon.” Along with being a warrant I couldn’t count on him showing up to PT and when he did it was a rare occurrence we all enjoyed as he would walk up with his coffee mug and then go for a walk as his PT. I also knew a warrant when I did CTLT that randomly would just take off during the day to go bow hunting. No one seemed to mind because it was a slow day or everything was already completed for the day in his mind.

    With warrants you take both and some times they need tough love too and won’t want to take it. It’s a fine line of how much to push because they really are the experts in the field and is it worth not talking with them or something because they don’t show up to PT?

    Flight warrants are a special breed and it takes a different relationship to lead them. You get close to them but at the same time you are still superior to them, but yet they are also supposed to instruct you on how to fly correctly. It was a fine line my peers juggled and I didn’t even attempt to understand it.