A Company Commander reflects on navigating a Soldier's suicide and discusses resources and best practices for leaders to get their units through this type of tragedy.
UPDATED JAN2025 - Did you know – if you are in the Blended Retirement System (BRS), you’re eligible for a mid-career bonus that is worth 2.5x your monthly base pay?! …
A focus on transition not only builds a better force today, but it contributes to a stronger Army tomorrow. There is no better recruiter than a successful Army Veteran.
As the 1000-day mark of the major Russian invasion of Ukraine approaches, Junior Officers must continue to integrate the lessons learned from this conflict into their training.
MAJ Jesse Bryant, MAJ Mark Pangilinan, CPT Michael Kennedy
3 Army HRC Officer Career Managers weigh in on Post KD CPT Assignments. OERs, timeline, and future development all play a key role in determining your future.
Maxwell Coleman, Jonathan Larios, Jonathan Wurzelbacher
The focus of this paper is to help company level junior officers and to provide insight to the rotational units on the minds of 1-4 IN – Callsign “Warrior”.
One of the most common missions new junior leaders struggle to perform effectively is the qualification range. A range is a significant allocation of resources …
Between BOLC templates, Army Publications, senior NCOs, and peers, Junior Officers have plenty of resources aiding in development during their budding careers, but one situation …
Three Principles of Performance that Breed Success for Junior Officers: Figure Stuff Out (FSO): see the problem, understand the problem, and identify a solution; Make …
During my time in Kuwait, scrolling through assignments on AIM 2.0 became my daily battle rhythm; I was five months out from returning to Fort Eustis....
Agile is a comprehensive project management approach that focuses on short, iterative, and incremental steps that encourage cross-functional collaboration, continuous assessment, adaptability, and team empowerment.....
The reality is that, like most things in the Army, company command is over before you know it. I will not remember any of the training meeting slides I updated, …
Institutional, Operational, and Self-Development," are the three domains of leader development. Institutional development is the foundation of officer development; it starts at the commissioning source...........
Your reaction to situations like this will impact not only how the immediate situation resolves, but also the mental and family outcomes for the individual in crisis.......
You might feel a bit unenthusiastic or lost about whatever comes next. For some, it will be staff time. For others, executive officer in a line Battery or Company. For …
It is tempting for a junior officer to view their commissioning day as a graduation or an end point. The learning is over. On the contrary, however, commissioning day is …
Effective leadership begins with managing one’s mental energy and intentionally using their time and attention to enable good judgement and decision making......
“Welcome to the leaf eaters!” That was how my tactical officer greeted me the day he found out I branched Ordnance and was destined to be one of those fine …
Whether we like them or not, meetings are an essential part of our profession. Officers are responsible for planning and resourcing events, which inevitably involves …
As of July 24th, the conflict in Ukraine has roiled without stopping. Important lessons that junior officers stand to gain insight from continue to emerge.......
The Palchinsky Principles is a decision-making framework developed by an early 20th-century Russian engineer Peter Palchinsky, and while these principles were initially developed for engineers …
It’s that time of year again! The AIM Marketplace is complete, the algorithm has run its course, and Requests for Orders (RFOs) are rolling into mailboxes!
In the end, the readiness of our force, and ultimately mission success, is dependent on understanding those we lead and adapting our leadership approach accordingly. The iGen is an incredibly …