JO Newsletter — April 2017
April may be “the cruelest month*”, but the kindness has been overflowing in the JuniorOfficer Forum. If you see something that you want to contribute to, just hit the link and go right to the item. If you want to submit a document or respond to a thread but can’t get to the forum, just reply to this email and we’ll get it posted.
- “You are always on parade”: Syracuse University ROTC cadets are discussing a pair of articles centered around Patton’s quote. What do you think?
- Death of a soldier battle drill: A forum member’s unit has tasked him to build a product that outlines duties and responsibilities of all parties (unit, staff sections, etc) when a Soldier dies in garrison. Do you have something to share that could help him?
- Establishing and maintaining supply discipline: Signing for your stuff is only the beginning. How have you maintained supply discipline in your organizations as time wears on and people change out?
- Questions for your senior rater: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. What are some good questions to ask a senior rater during initial counseling?
- Social Media and Leadership: We’ve seen the guidance from Army leadership about online conduct. How do we operationalize it and make a difference as junior officers?
- Thoughts on “A Message to Garcia”: Love it or hate it, this pithy piece is part of our culture. Is it time to shelve it for good, or does it have a place in our leader development efforts?
- Maintaining or improving morale: What interesting/off-the-wall type morale activities have you done? Did they work? Share your successes and failures alike.
Got a question of your own to ask? Hit this link!
- Assumption of Command Plan: Getting ready to take the guidon? This comprehensive plan gives you a roadmap for hitting all of the various requirements before and during the transition.
- Winning the Fight to See: One of our own recently published some reflections on reconnaissance operations. Take a look and provide your own thoughts in the ongoing discussion.
- XO Master Tracker: An excel worksheet package that tracks a huge range of supply, maintenance, and personnel actions. Big thanks to the III Corps COMET team that provided this via the III Corps Company Executive Officer Course!
- Resilience, Risk Reduction, and Suicide Prevention SOP: We all have a solemn responsibility to look after our Soldiers and make sure they get the help they need. This SOP provides a way to do that routinely across a formation.
Got a tool/SOP/document that can help others? Share it here!
Community News
- Big milestone: on 31 March, we added our 1000th member! Reaching this mark in only 2.5 months of operation shows how leaders are valuing this forum and passing it on to others as well. Keep spreading the word!
- Just like vehicles, online spaces need PMCS. The JO Forum will be inaccessible from 0800-1200 EDT on 12 April while we update plugins, apply patches, and update the WordPress files that make the whole thing go.
- Something about the JO forum not quite right? Let us know using the BugHunter thread!
*with apologies to T.S. Eliot
JO Newsletter — August 2017
The “dog days” of summer are upon us. It may be hot out there, but keep the fire in your bellies and your passion for leader development. Your contributions to the forum are making a difference! As one member moving from being a PL to an XO put it, “My responses don’t even begin to describe just how much I value other members’ contributions, and I can only hope that when I contribute to their post that I am able to add something of value.”
As always, if you see something that you want to contribute to, just hit the link and go right to the item. If you want to submit a document or respond to a thread but can’t get to the forum, just reply to this email and we’ll get it posted.
- Great Stories of Leadership, Character, and Ethical Development: Our Aussie colleagues are revamping their leadership, character, and ethics instruction, and they want your help! What is your go-to material for good and bad examples in this area?
- Recommendation for Award Examples: Writing Army awards is an art form, one that takes time and effort to get right. One member is asking for examples of DA 638s that he can draw ideas from — can you assist?
- Showing Appreciation to Soldiers: Beyond awards, there are lots of different ways to show appreciation to your soldiers. Food, Gatorade, and morale patches have already been talked about; contribute your own ideas!
- Ready for the Next War?: Warfighting is what we do, and readiness to fight is the Chief’s top priority. No matter what job you’re in or where you serve, YOU can do something to enhance readiness. Join the conversation and share your ideas!
- HHC Pre-Deployment: A member has just moved from a line company to an HHC in preparation for a deployment in the fall. HHC is its own unique animal; how have you managed the challenge? And if you’re a staff officer, what have you done that can help ease the transition?
Got a question of your own to ask? Hit this link!
- Leaders Huddle Podcasts: We have two different but equally motivating podcasts for you this month. Episode 29 features The Angry Staff Officer talking about what inspires him to see the Army through a lens of humor. Episode 30 showcases forum leader Tiara Walz’s work on using emotional intelligence to lead Army formations.
- 8 Step Training Model Checklist: Great training makes great units. The 8 step training model is the “don’t forget nuthin'” of the training domain and a powerful tool for leaders.
- MDMP Reference Guide: We love to hate the MDMP, but it’s a staff officer’s bread and butter. This helpful product summarizes the current ADRP 5-0 process while incorporating some still relevant material from earlier doctrine.
- Feedback: Are You Doing it Wrong?: This piece from the Mentor Minute blog challenges us all to think about how we give feedback. The categories of Appreciation, Coaching, and Evaluation should help you think critically about when and how to do it.
Got a tool/SOP/document/article that can help others? Share it here!
Community News
- Tuesday Tools: Tuesday Tools is off and running! We got three great contributions last month and are looking forward to more. Every Tuesday, please consider contributing one of the most helpful tools you use in your current role, be it a spreadsheet, database, document, checklist, or whatever it is you use to help you stay on top of your game. You can share your tools by visiting this link; please add the tag “Tuesday-Tools” so it’s more easily searchable. You can find all the Tuesday Tools on the main menu at Resources –> Tools –> Tuesday Tools. Join us for “Tuesday Tools” and contribute to the profession!
- You can now “like” and “PIE” individual posts and replies, along with content items. When you click “Send PIE”, the contributor gets a note that you found their contribution to be Positive, Inspiring, and Energizing. How cool is that?!
- Something about the JO forum not quite right? Let us know using the BugHunter thread!
JO Newsletter — July 2017
With any luck, you’re receiving this in the midst of a holiday weekend, giving you a well-deserved breather. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, it is a privilege to be serving this great country with you. Happy Independence Day!
As always, if you see something that you want to contribute to, just hit the link and go right to the item. If you want to submit a document or respond to a thread but can’t get to the forum, just reply to this email and we’ll get it posted.
Community News
- Tuesday Tools: In lieu of a Jam Question this month, we are initiating something called “Tuesday Tools.” Starting July 11th, every Tuesday we will ask members to contribute one of the most helpful tools you use in your current role, be it a spreadsheet, database, document, checklist, or whatever it is you use to help you stay on top of your game. We here at the JO TOC will be uploading a tool every Tuesday as well! You can share your tools by visiting this link; please add the tag “Tuesday-Tools” so it’s more easily searchable. Join us for “Tuesday Tools” and contribute to the profession!
- Something about the JO forum not quite right? Let us know using the BugHunter thread!
- Branch-dependent Leadership Styles: Our June Jam question focused on the question of leadership styles attuned to the unique needs of different MOSs. Jump in with your thoughts!
- Transition from PL to XO: We all have to make the transition at some point. Chime in with answers to a member’s question about how to make his leap more effective.
- Letter of Introduction: It may feel a little old school, but you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Listen in as members discuss how to make that introduction to your new unit, whether you’re a brand new 2LT or a seasoned CPT.
- OBJ-T: What does it mean to you?: The Army’s number one priority is readiness, and Objective-T is one of the ways we’re getting after it. What does the new system mean to you and how are you applying it?
- Lessons You Won’t Learn In BOLC: Every profession has its tacit knowledge, but this member’s question specifically deals with how to gather some skills not taught in the schoolhouse. What skills and system knowledge did you have to pick up OJT?
Got a question of your own to ask? Hit this link!
- Tactics Reading Material: “Tactically and technically proficient”: we preach it, but do we walk the talk? Here’s some links and a discussion to sharpen your thinking.
- UMO Knowledge Cache: Nothing happens until something moves, be it around the block or around the world. One member pulled together his Unit Movement Officer continuity book and shared it for all to use.
- Fuel Burn Rate Table: Hope is not a method and wishful thinking doesn’t power engines. Check out one member’s tool for planning fuel usage by multiple types of vehicles!
- Timeless Wisdom: “The Squad Leader”: CSM Ligon’s short missive about the duties and responsibilities of the squad leader is as relevant as it was 30 years ago. Have a read and think about what YOUR squad leaders need.
Got a tool/SOP/document that can help others? Share it here!
JO Newsletter — June 2017
Summer is here, and for many of you, that means transition. Whether you’re moving to a new post or a new job, the JO Forum is here to support you. A special congrats to all of the new second lieutenants making the transition from their commissioning sources!
As always, if you see something that you want to contribute to, just hit the link and go right to the item. If you want to submit a document or respond to a thread but can’t get to the forum, just reply to this email and we’ll get it posted.
- Training for 92-Series Soldiers: A leader is lacking assets, space, and opportunity to fully train his 92-series soldiers. Have you struggle with similar MOS-specific issues? How did you handle it?
- ATRRS Courses for Down Time: In a lull between courses or jobs, and looking for opportunities to better develop yourself? Take a look at this thread about ways to make the most of it.
- Caught Between Clashing Priorities: We got some great responses to our Jam question about navigating differing priorities of your rater and senior rater. Chime in with your own thoughts and perspectives!
- DITY Move/PPM Move Tip Sheet: Getting ready for a big move? Take a look at this tip sheet on DITY/PPM options and the additional observations that Forum Members have added.
- New vs. old retirement system: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Listen in to advice for a new lieutenant about things to ask during that first senior rater counseling, and add some of your own.
Got a question of your own to ask? Hit this link!
- Tips for Advanced Camp and USMA CLDT: Are you a cadet gearing up for that big summer milestone? The Military Leader has some advice. For those of you coming out of these experiences, feel free to add your own comments and observations.
- XO Documents from III Corps Course: One of our own has helpfully exported a huge treasure trove of documents relevant for XOs and junior staff officers. Topics covered include CSDP, EDRE, EO, UMO, WTU, and much more!
- Career Timeline Tool: How many times have you heard “You are your own best career manager”? Take a look at this tool for thinking about your career timeline, complete with some of the major milestones and career opportunities.
- ARNG BN APFT and Body Composition SOP: Written for a reserve component battalion, but the issue is one we all have to deal with. A fantastic starting point for anyone looking for APFT and height-weight policies.
Got a tool/SOP/document that can help others? Share it here!
Community News
- Coming soon — the Read2Lead community! This dedicated space will be devoted to discussions of professional reading between junior officers. Are you interested in conducting a book discussion within your unit, but need the resources to do so? The JO Team can provide books and the online space to conduct the discussions, along with coaching on crafting the right questions and drawing out meaningful observations. Just reply to this newsletter and let us know you’re interested.
- Did you know that CALDOL, steward of the JO Forum, also sponsors the Leaders Huddle Podcast? The podcast features engaging discussions to educate and inspire current and future generations of junior officers and other company-level leaders. Published every other week, the content of the podcast will develop your capacity as a leader and provide actionable guidance for improving your organization. You can view and listen to the podcast within the JO Forum. You can also subscribe on iTunes or Google Play, but we are working on an issue with Apple regarding the DoD security certificates that we use on the JO site. If you have trouble subscribing in the near future, please come to the forum and listen from there.
- Something about the JO forum not quite right? Let us know using the BugHunter thread!
JO Newsletter — May 2017
May is the lead-in to the busy summer months and we suspect all of our forum members are going at full speed. If you see something that you want to contribute to, just hit the link and go right to the item. If you want to submit a document or respond to a thread but can’t get to the forum, just reply to this email and we’ll get it posted.
- Commanding in the ARNG/USAR: Reserve Component commanders have a whole host of unique challenges. What’s the best advice you can give someone who is about to take an ARNG or USAR company command?
- Counseling better and getting better counseling: Our April Jam question prompted some great reflections and some even better counseling tools. Feel free to add your own examples and TTPs!
- Memorial Week WODs: 1-16 IN shared their plan for a series of WODs tied to incredible acts of heroism in their unit history. Check it out, and share any great fitness approaches in your own kitbag!
- Leadership assignment selection: Getting picked for a leadership position should be about more than who’s next in the queue. What are some innovative mechanisms for talent management in leadership positions? How should junior officers make themselves stand out amongst their peers for these jobs?
- New vs. old retirement system: It may feel like a long way off, but the decisions our Soldiers make now about their retirement choices will impact them for decades to come. How are you helping your Soldiers make that decision?
- Lessons from Company Command: “3×5 Leadership” is sharing his big takeaways from Company Command in a 12-part series. If you could go back and do one part of command again, what would it be and how would you do it differently?
Got a question of your own to ask? Hit this link!
- III Corps G1 Tools for Junior Officers: Our next batch of files provided via the III Corps Executive Officer Course focuses on the personnel side of things. There’s some great tools here for timeline management, evaluations, and more!
- Emergency APFT Prep Plan: We’ve all been there: calendar got away from us and we suddenly have a record APFT staring us in the face. Check out one member’s 1 week and 2 week crash prep programs.
- “You’ve been nominated for…”: Ever wonder how people get those nominative jobs? Read a leader’s story of his competition for a division aide-de-camp position.
- BN CDR Observations of Lieutenants: “O wad some Power the giftie gie us. To see oursels as ithers see us!”* Read a battalion commander’s observations of new lieutenants along with some concrete suggestions of how to address some of the concerns.
- Evaluation Addendum Process Map: Adding an addendum to an eval (required when new, verified derogatory or positive information comes to light that would have affected that eval) is a tricky, confusing process. This one shot process map seeks to take the mystery out of it.
Got a tool/SOP/document that can help others? Share it here!
Community News
- Coming soon — the Read2Lead community! This dedicated space will be devoted to discussions of professional reading between junior officers. Are you interested in conducting a book discussion within your unit, but need the resources to do so? The JO Team can provide books and the online space to conduct the discussions, along with coaching on crafting the right questions and drawing out meaningful observations. Just reply to this newsletter and let us know you’re interested.
- Did you know that CALDOL, steward of the JO Forum, also sponsors the Leaders Huddle Podcast? The podcast features engaging discussions to educate and inspire current and future generations of junior officers and other company-level leaders. Published every other week, the content of the podcast will develop your capacity as a leader and provide actionable guidance for improving your organization. You can view and listen to the podcast within the JO Forum. You can also subscribe on iTunes or Google Play, but we are working on an issue with Apple regarding the DoD security certificates that we use on the JO site. If you have trouble subscribing in the near future, please come to the forum and listen from there.
- Something about the JO forum not quite right? Let us know using the BugHunter thread!
* Robert Burns, “To A Louse”