LC — Head in the Game
A lieutenant takes over as the new platoon leader for a platoon that has just returned from Iraq, at the height of the Iraq Surge. During that period, Soldiers were being routinely stop-lossed and offered incentives to stay in the Army, one of which was a 6-month school option. One of his Soldiers in school is selected by pro scouts and wants to play minor league baseball instead…how does the lieutenant balance the needs of the Army during the surge period with the desires of the Soldier?
Topics covered:
Mission vs Soldiers
Life planning
Re-enlistment options
What’s the Situation?
- A brand new infantry platoon leader, takes over a platoon that just returned from the Iraq Surge. He has no combat experience and is leading a platoon full of combat veterans.
- One of his NCOs serving on the school option informs him that he’s being recruited by Minor League Baseball and asks for permission to pursue a contract.
- There is no Army regulation permitting simultaneous service in the Army and Minor League Baseball.
- The soldier only has a few months left in college and then will be back in service.
- The unit is likely deploying soon and is critically short of NCOs and Soldiers as a whole (60% manning).
- The Soldier is engaged and his fiancé is pregnant.