gregory.a.benjamin2 started the topic IBOLC lessons learned in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 8 months ago
IBOLC students,
Welcome to the Junior Officer Forum! What is the biggest surprise thus far, or something you wish you’d known before you arrived to IBOLC that would have been helpful?
gregory.a.benjamin2 started the topic Tips for Advanced Camp and USMA CLDT in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 9 months ago
The link below takes you to an excellent article that contains countless tips for excelling at Advanced Camp and USMA CLDT. Feel free to provide additional tips or insight that can help the thousands of cadets out there who are preparing for their training summer.
gregory.a.benjamin2 started the topic new vs. old retirement system in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 10 months ago
For those who are currently attending BOLC, what information is being put out about the new and old retirement systems? Also, which retirement system do you recommend? Please explain your reasoning.
gregory.a.benjamin2 and
paul.scifers are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago
gregory.a.benjamin2 started the topic BOLC lessons learned in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 11 months ago
What are some do’s and don’ts while at BOLC? Please reply and indicate your branch and post location, along with your feedback.
gregory.a.benjamin2 started the topic Where to live at BOLC in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 11 months ago
Many 2LTs will be heading to BOLC in the upcoming months. If you have a suggestion of where to live, please reply and indicate your branch and post location along with your recommendation(s).
gregory.a.benjamin2 started the topic BOLC lessons learned in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 11 months ago
Many 2LTs will be heading to BOLC in the upcoming months. If you have a suggestion of where to live, please reply and indicate your branch and post location along with your recommendation(s).
gregory.a.benjamin2 replied to the topic Common mistakes for PT? in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 12 months ago
I absolutely agree about empowering your NCOs and getting their buy-in. Before you start developing your platoon’s PT with your PSG, make sure you look at your platoon’s physical stats (latest APFT scores, road march stats, company/battalion physical assessments/competition stats, etc.). Those stats will show you your platoon’s strengths and w…[Read more]
gregory.a.benjamin2 started the topic Books every cadet and 2LT should read in the forum Junior Officer 8 years ago
As an ROTC APMS, my cadets have asked me numerous times about which military books they should read first. Before any other book, I tell them to read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. My reasoning is that since the Army is a people organization, they truly need to understand how to relate to and influence people (…[Read more]
brock.j.young and
gregory.a.benjamin2 are now friends 8 years ago
gregory.a.benjamin2 posted an update 8 years ago
learning how to use JO
gregory.a.benjamin2 replied to the topic What products/systems do you need to effectively organize your unit in the forum Junior Officer 8 years ago
Here is a height weight failure smartbook. I built it a couple of years ago so it might be slightly outdated, but it should be a good start for someone who is unsure of how to separate a Soldier for height weight failure.
gregory.a.benjamin2 replied to the topic What products/systems do you need to effectively organize your unit in the forum Junior Officer 8 years ago
Good stuff guys. I have an addition to your list. Attached is a shortage tracker that I used in both of my companies. I HIGHLY recommend filling it out during the COC inventories so that you have an accurate baseline from the beginning. Here is how we did it:
-After conducting inventories during the day, the XO would compile the shortage…[Read more]
gregory.a.benjamin2 replied to the topic What products/systems do you need to effectively organize your unit in the forum Junior Officer 8 years ago
Good stuff Nate. I have an addition to your list. Attached is a shortage tracker that I used in both of my companies. I HIGHLY recommend filling it out during the COC inventories so that you have an accurate baseline from the beginning. Here is how we did it:
-After conducting inventories during the day, the XO would compile the shortag…[Read more]
tiarawalz and
gregory.a.benjamin2 are now friends 8 years ago
logisticus and
gregory.a.benjamin2 are now friends 8 years ago
craisler and
gregory.a.benjamin2 are now friends 8 years ago
head and
gregory.a.benjamin2 are now friends 8 years ago
gregory.a.benjamin2 wrote a new post, ROTC TACSOP 8 years ago
ROTC TACSOP. Focused on rifle platoon and squad tactics. Additional TACSOP inserts (OPORD skeleton, WARNO skeleton, and squad tactics performance measures will be added once the bug is destroyed).
gregory.a.benjamin2 changed their profile picture 8 years ago
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