
  • vanezzaospina replied to the topic How do you stay healthy? in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 5 months ago

    Maybe this is not the case for many units out there but the unit I am currently a part of (active duty component) has a culture where BDE HHC Senior NCO’s, WO and Officers are not required to attend PT. Although many might love this idea (I know I did at the beginning), it – excuse my language – sucks when all we rely on is morning PT as our workout to stay in-shape for the PT test. I will admit I fell on that lazy wagon as well where I thought I was “good” to go for my PT test even without regularly PTing…this was definitely not the case.

    So although this might sounds a bit harsh, I will say that PT is an individual task (regardless of what component you belong to) and also what effort you put in towards PTing. But great news…you don’t need a fancy gym or fancy equipment or a personal training to help you stay in shape or ready for the PT test. YouTube workout videos were my life saver for a couple of weeks! Plus, they are free, you can do workouts in the comfort of your home, you can workout any time a day…should I go on?

    This is some great YouTube channels for workouts… hope this helps!