OER (Company Grade) Narrative and NCOER Bullet Guides, and Examples
Attached is an OER Narrative Guide and NCOER Bullet Guide (also posted on S1Net; https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs/DOC-263142) that combines the rules of the AR and DA PAM 623-3, and examples of various narrative statements and bullet examples, for the attributes and competencies of the OER and NCOER. Although these guides were developed primarily to assist the ARNG rating chains in my unit, I believe it can be helpful to all components and officer levels.
These guides are not intended to be a source of “cut and paste” narratives, bullets, and or comments for you to simply “check the block” on an evaluation. Instead, the enclosed examples are intended to get you, the Rater and Senior Rater, to break your writer’s block and create unique narratives and bullets for your officers and NCOs, in order to strengthen their evaluation or rating. Additionally, they allow younger officers, those who may not be familiar with what a strong vs. okay vs. weak narrative or bullet comment looks like.
The guides explain the rules for comments, narratives and bullets found in AR and DA PAM 623-3 (to include prohibited and negative comments/bullets), and gives examples of narrative comments (individual sentences that can be combined to form a narrative) and bullets. Each attribute/competency is broke down by level of rater box check that comment supports (e.g. Excels, Proficient, Capable, or Unsatisfactory, as defined in DA PAM 623-3), strengthen a box check (e.g. when a profile doesn’t support a higher check), or weaken a box check (e.g. when a subordinate was borderline Proficient, but needs to be shown that they are the bottom of the box check).
APFT and HT/WT is broken down by comments for PASS (which are optional and can be added to blocks a. or d.), comments for PROFILE / BLANK, and comments for FAIL (to include examples of officer failing but showing improvement).
Also included are rules and examples for senior rater narratives for both OERs and NCOERs, followed by a section on effective words for use in evaluations.