August 2022
Highlights from the past month
- Is Civil Affairs Right for You?
- Command vs. Leadership
- Overcoming Army Writer’s Block
- Own Your Own Grid Square- Build Trust and a More Effective Team
- Championing an Inclusive Approach to Mentoring
Coming up
Some things we have in the works that you’ll see in the weeks ahead on the CJO website:
- Tools to Adjust Behavior: Counseling to the UCMJ
- Why Junior Officers Should Volunteer
- Build Community with your Unit – Share their Task
- Tips to Prepare for the Captain’s Career Course
Other Items
- As we’ve engaged with LTs and CPTs over the past few years, we’ve been surprised at the number who are not aware of the value provided by the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL). CALL provides a number of professional and highly useful products (some of which junior officers are asking us for). We encourage junior officers who are not familiar with this resource to check it out. The CALL site includes an option to submit articles, best practices, and unit AARs (items that many junior officers offer to us here at CJO, but that aren’t necessarily a good fit for our mission). If you register on CALL”s restricted site (many of their products require a CAC card to access), you will also receive periodic updates from the Director.
- We’re improving our site capability. Soon, you will be able to sort and find articles based on content focus (e.g., command and leadership, training, etc.). We hope this will make finding content easier for our users. Check the site soon and let us know what you think.
In closing
Reminder- we’re on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Please follow us if you’re on those platforms.
Until next month – lead well my friends!
New since the last SITREP
Leader Challenges
No new LCs since last SITREP but check out the popular ones below
Case Studies
No new Case Studies since last SITREP but check out the popular ones below