May 2022
CTLT and Commissioning season are upon us – as is PCS season. You should check out some of our recent pieces related to these topics – if not for your personal use, perhaps you can share with others who you mentor.
Highlights from the past month
- CTLT- A Checklist for Cadet Success
- A PL’s Perspective on CTLT
- A PL’s Checklist for CTLT
- The Commissioing Ceremony
- Butter Bar No More: Transitioning to First Lieutenant
- You Keep the Lessons with You: Parting Ways with Teammates
- Cadet to LT useful information
Coming up
Some things we have in the works that you’ll see in the weeks ahead on the CJO website:
- An Unconventional Path: LT Experiences in USASOC
- Daring Vulnerability: Strengthening Teams by Discussing Fear
- Cultivating Culture
- Lessons Learned from NTC – From a PL and a Staff Officer
In closing
Reminder- we’re on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Please follow us if you’re on those platforms.
Until next month – lead well my friends!
New since the last SITREP
Leader Challenges
No new LCs since last SITREP but check out the popular ones below
Case Studies
No new Case Studies since last SITREP but check out the popular ones below