Cohesion in the U.S. Army

This Watch2Lead uses clips from the movie “Fury” to facilitate a discussion on cohesion and the potential negative outcomes that can result in cohesive units if weak leadership exists. This guide provides an outline, instructions, and the materials needed to conduct a 60-min Leader Professional Development (LPD) session.
- A video clip from “Fury”
- Article — “16 ways effective leaders build cohesive teams in the Army”
- Article — “Unit Cohesion and Military Performance”
- This guide, which provides suggested discussion questions and timeline
This case can be used to assist in generating discussion on the following topics
Define cohesion.
Identify and discuss the types and sources of group cohesion.
Discuss the impact of group cohesion on group (team) performance or effectiveness.
Explain the impact of team norms as a moderator of the relationship between cohesion and team/group effectiveness.