LC — This Round’s on Me
When my platoon leader over the platoon net called me saying ‘hey FDO we’re having some beverages over by my Humvee.’ I kind of picked up what he was putting down with that but then immediately my junior enlisted subordinates in my FDC section looked at me and said ‘hey sir, what’s that mean.’
Topics covered:
Deference to experience
Moral courage
Enforcing standards
“In-house” discipline
- Safety
What’s the Situation?
- You are the Junior Lieutenant in a Platoon with a Platoon Leader that is more senior to you.
- You find your PL and your platoon’s senior NCOs drinking during a platoon-level field exercise.
- Your PL drinks to the point of intoxication during a platoon-level field exercise.
- You elect to bring the platoon in from the field to minimize the damage being done by your intoxicated peer.
- Your PL gets into his POV and drives away, intoxicated.