
  • So this month’s post was going to focus on developing Lieutenants. I inspected my PL’s leaders books and counseling packets and was disappointed. I had them reengage on both of those and gave them a template that I used as a PL (see attached).


    Instead I was informed that I was going to move to a different BN and become a HHC Commander so I…[Read more]

  • Steve,

    Additionally, I write as many OPORDs as I can. My PLs write their OPORDs for ranges. When it comes to STX or LFX, I will develop the scenario and issue a Troop OPORD (with help from XO and 1SG) and give it to the PLs and PSGs. They then issue down to the Section Sergeants. The Section Sergeants when we can issue their order formally. Team…[Read more]

  • Steve,


    I like your METL slide. I think it is better than mine. I only stick with mine because it is the format Squadron conducts its briefs in and they brief to higher. I despise redoing slides for meetings. It is a huge pet peeve of mine. I can not stand watching 1SG reformat crew rosters every week because it has to go to someone. So I…[Read more]

  • Thanks!,

    I have gone through two iterations and have been refining it.

    2. Those completed training slides are now kept hidden and instead the guys are required to print off fill it out and bring it. This way they show up with notes. It sparks a discussion and HQ compiles the themes and sends it out to everyone.

    3. The pre-execution checks are…[Read more]

  • Troop Training Meeting

    I have somewhat struggled with my Troop Training Meeting. Basically, I felt like I was speaking to much. I would have Platoon Leaders brief their upcoming training, but it was still a lot of me speaking. I decided to reread the TC 25-30 and redevelop my training meeting slide deck. I attached the slide deck. This is meant,…[Read more]

  • Steve,

    Sorry for the delay.

    What are you thoughts on getting more NCOs at the Platoon level, like the Senior Scout, the ability to view/edit DTMS so that the PL/PSG can power this down. I’m not as familiar with DTMS, but I can’t imagine a PL sitting there uploading PT cards/weapon cards — he’s probably logging on and having his NCOs work…[Read more]

  • DTMS (Tips, Tricks, and Lessons Learned)

    I could probably write a thesis on my issues with DTMS, but one of the things I am working on with my Platoon Leaders and Platoon Sergeants is to not fret about what you cannot control. I have zero control over the implementation of DTMS and instead must focus on how to make it easier for my Troop. Since,…[Read more]

  • How do you prioritize tasks and manage yourself?

    I focus myself in three main areas.

    1. TRAINING. It sounds cliché, but I prioritize training over almost everything else. I will miss Squadron meetings to check on training (I make sure my boss has plenty of heads up that I will be missing the meeting). I love command and refuse to let a…[Read more]

  • Knowing what you do now as a post-CCC Captain, what preparation would you have done differently before and during the CCC to get what you wanted out of it?


    Take the GRE or GMAT. Someone has already said it, but CCC is all about development both professionally and personally. Use the time the Army gives you set your self up for a graduate…[Read more]

  • Systems Management (Maintenance, Supply, and the Arms Room):

    The first weeks back from a deployment or rotation can be stressful. You and your team need to rebuild all the systems you had in place before departing. This is especially true if you did not command at your garrison post and are not familiar with all the “isms” that come with your…[Read more]

  • chris_s replied to the topic LPD Ideas in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 5 months ago

    PSTOFAN, hit it on the head. Have him plan a training from start to finishing properly following UTM and using OBJ-T measures to evaluate. Then brief the plan as part of an LPD. Depending on the audience this can be a great way for new officers and NCOs to learn everything that needs to go into planning.

  • The Vehicle Commander and Gunner are what counts for the qualification. They qualification is good for 9 months. If the TC or gunner have both qualified within the past 9 months, but on different crews then they are now a turbulent crew. Green, Yellow, Red is the easiest way to view. Green is they are in tolerance and qualified together. Yellow is…[Read more]

  • I have a single question regarding OBJ-T.

    1. What is the process for updating and refining the T&EOs. I recently came out of a collective gunnery where the T&EOs were utilized by external evaluators, but they failed to provide a good picture of what we expect a Scout PL to do during a Platoon Screen.


    I am all about the idea behind OBJ-T, but…[Read more]

  • I took command of C Troop, 4-9 CAV, 2 ABCT, 1st Cavalry Division in December of 2017 while on rotation to Fort XXX in the Republic of Korea. I could not ask for a better Troop and am immensely proud of what my Scouts have accomplished so far. I have been in command for just shy of six months, but have learned more than I ever thought I would. I am…[Read more]

  • Discussion questions (discuss one, two, or all!)
    1. What are general thoughts about Gen. Thomas’ tip on approaching the first platoon sergeant?

    I agree with PSTOFAN. You need to follow the General’s advice plus you need to sit down and counsel your 1SG. Expectation management is key. I do not personally think counseling should be incredibly lo…[Read more]

  • chris_s changed their profile picture 6 years, 5 months ago

  • Thanks,


    I completely agree on all accounts. If you are not challenging your views you are not growing. Thanks for the list. I have a few of them on the playlist, but now have a much expanded. I enjoy all the NPR podcasts and as a side note my fiancé and myself all moving out to hood and we rotate between picking podcasts to listen…[Read more]

  • 1.

    Never be that leader who is held to a different lower standard. One should take the time to ensure your uniform is squared away, you are physically fit, and you carry yourself the way one should. There is nothing more annoying than knowing a soldier got chewed out for something his PL/NCO/or even CO also did.


    You cannot inspire discipline…[Read more]

  • I have! Always a good listen

  • Team,


    This may have already been brought up and if so I apologize in advance, but does anyone have a good list of podcasts specifically focused on leadership? I have a commute to post every morning and try to use it to catchup on the news and my favorite podcasts.

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