
  • Attached is the essay required to fulfill this requirement.

  • Charlie: What do you think soldiers thought of their leadership at this point in the war? Why?

    I believe one of the soldiers answers this question for us when asked to assist in overtaking a Chinese gun. The soldier said,
    “You want it, you go take it, Lieutenant.”
    “Take it and shove it up your ass.”

    The situation the Americans were in at the…[Read more]

  • j_hsl_g replied to the topic Section 3 in the forum 1-5 Cav 6 years, 5 months ago

    S6: The Eighth Army did not realize that a hole eight miles deep and six miles across was penetrated in the front lines until two regiments were “disintegrated.” Why was there a lapse in communication between the front lines and the Eighth Army mission command? With these defeats, the Mission Command commanders under General Walker became…[Read more]

  • HAMMER: As UN forces marched north, there was evidence of the Chinese joining the conflict. Despite the evidence, General MacArthur and his staff believed “the Chinese would not dare intervene” They assessed that they lacked the Military capability to bring significant forces into the conflict and even if that was possible the US air superiority…[Read more]

  • j_hsl_g replied to the topic Section 2 in the forum 1-5 Cav 6 years, 6 months ago

    S3: What warfighting functions contributed most to Americans’ continual defeat and withdrawal to the Pusan Perimeter in the summer of 1950? Answer generally or focus mainly on Task Force Smith for examples to support your analysis.

    The biggest factor that contributed most to the Americans’ defeat and withdrawal would be their lack of readiness.…[Read more]

  • j_hsl_g replied to the topic Section 1 in the forum 1-5 Cav 6 years, 6 months ago

    S4: How did the enemy exploit sustainment weaknesses to contribute to the US withdrawal to the Pusan Perimeter?

    The NKPA was, obviously, far more prepared for war than the ROK and its allies on 25 June 1950. The United States had pulled the majority of its troops and civilians from the peninsula prior to this event. Even on the night of the…[Read more]

  • LINTON became a registered member 6 years, 6 months ago

  • j_hsl_g became a registered member 6 years, 6 months ago