spatelis replied to the topic CPT Brenton Clark, B/2-1 IN Company Command Interview in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 5 months ago
Brenton’s experience is so interesting because it is echoing a theme across our formations, a constant state of readiness that requires long field times and deployments with little recovery time. He consistently emphasizes the fatigue of the organization and the requirement of the Officer to bring the ‘energy’ into the Troops – he offers some…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic Teaching Pre-CCC JOs to Plan in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 6 months ago
Great topic. I am in an S-3 shop with two Post-CCC CPTs to include myself, with a bunch of Lieutenants. It is very difficult to get our Lieutenants to be ‘value added’ in the staff planning process , with their skill sets primarily limited to product replication. We would benefit from a dedicated long term staff planning curriculum. I tried some…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic Objective T and Detached Personnel in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 6 months ago
Based on the discussion I had with the folks who are behind OBJ-T and the IWTS over at Fort Benning, they are aware that most of the Army should not be close to a T-1. The discussion we had was that truly only a near deploying unit who has been upped with personnel and money would be able to meet the T-1 standard.
I can’t speak too much to the…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic When Generations Clash (July 2018 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 7 months ago
I have had a fairly positive experience with this topic. Most of the good Senior Leaders I have met , acknowledge that millennials were raised in a different atmosphere than us – but have the same reason and drive to join.
Task & Purpose wrote a fairly decent article on this subject, and although not very scholarly – shares some of my own…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic Troop Training Meeting in the forum Chris Salerno 6 years, 7 months ago
I’m also stealing your collective training assessments. Full disclosure I haven’t punished anyone with my training meeting yet, but I’ve tried to combine ideas across a couple ones I’ve seen (All the numbers/names/events are bogus). I’ve attached my Frankenstein Troop meeting slides and maybe there’s something you can steal or provide your…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic Student to Lieutenant pt.7 in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 7 months ago
I have attached my recent introduction letter to my Squadron Commander. I spent a lot more time talking about my personal life, hobbies, and desire to serve in a new capacity. I only briefly discussed my professional career thus far.
I sent a similar letter to my BDE Commander. I want my leaders to know that I wear my uniform (it does not wear me…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic Why BOLC is important… in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 7 months ago
Reinforcing your second value –Â Not since BOLC have I been in a formation with 32+ people who all scored over a 280 on their PT test, all wanted to take initiative and lead, and all wanted to compete to be the best. It was an outstanding way to push me to my own heights before I stepped in front of my first platoon.
spatelis started the topic The Branch You Get in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 7 months ago
As a cadet in North Georgia in 2012, I was eagerly awaiting the announcements for branch night. For those who are unfamiliar, branch night is when you are finally told what job among 16 different career fields you will be assigned as an Officer in the U.S Army shortly before you graduate college. You request specific assignments and are told in…[Read more]
spatelis started the topic Enlisted Development Plans in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 8 months ago
As a Junior Lieutenant I often made the mistake of expecting too much, or too little, of an NCO or an enlisted Soldier based on their rank/experience. Some of this is mitigated by the Platoon Sergeant, who understands the human dimension of your Soldiers capabilities. I didn’t, and you don’t, need to go into this endeavor unarmed and…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic DTMS (Tips, Tricks, and Lessons Learned) in the forum Chris Salerno 6 years, 8 months ago
What are you thoughts on getting more NCOs at the Platoon level, like the Senior Scout, the ability to view/edit DTMS so that the PL/PSG can power this down. I’m not as familiar with DTMS, but I can’t imagine a PL sitting there uploading PT cards/weapon cards – he’s probably logging on and having his NCOs work anyway.
Do you…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic Making the CCC Leap (May 2018 Jam Question) in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 8 months ago
I attended the Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS), so this could apply to anyone attending a sister-service CCC equivalent.
1. Enroll in an Army course post-CCC that uses MDMP or some level of staff planning following a sister service school. Attending Cavalry Leader Course following EWS, enabled me to re-align into the Army l…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic Range Planning in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 9 months ago
I don’t want to belittle your experience in any way so if I am answering the wrong question please let me know. I believe you are asking how to run a detachment sized M4 Range, which in my mind doesn’t sound like it should function too differently from your average platoon range would, minus the differences in personnel. I would use…[Read more]
spatelis and
ae_rollinson are now friends 6 years, 9 months ago
spatelis replied to the topic Time Management as an XO in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 9 months ago
First let me hit you with the bad news. I have never been inundated with as many tasks as when I was an XO. I spent 18 months between two companies and even month 18 was still taking work home. The XO is one of those folks who is the embodiment of keeping the Army “rolling along”. The good news is, it is hands down the most…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic OBJ-T: Open Discussion in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 9 months ago
ALL – Had a great discussion with Mr. Krivitsky from the MCoE, allow me to pass along some of the info.
1. They recognize that specific organizations should/do not conduct live fire for their training gates. CATs, their tasks, and OBJ-T gates are being modified to reflect the new strategy (Some still working). The end state is to have…[Read more]
spatelis started the topic OBJ-T: Open Discussion in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 10 months ago
I will be meeting with Mr. Stephen Krivitsky from the Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCoE) this upcoming Monday, 23 April to discuss OBJ-T. I would like to open the forum to questions about OBJ-T you wish to ask. I will select 2-3 to field to Mr. Krivitsky for his expertise.
Mr. Krivitsky is one of the minds behind implementing OBJ-T throughout…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic Counseling your PSG in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 10 months ago
I recently sat in on a council of senior NCOs (E8 and above) and the vast majority of them said they have never received counseling as a PSG or 1SG and above. All of them stated they wanted counseling.
I won’t repeat all of the great advice, just offer you my take on it. My personal opinion is that the more junior someone is and the more their…[Read more]
spatelis started the topic Prioritize, Plan, Train in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 10 months ago
How do we prioritize and plan in order to train? Training, like operations, is the execution of plans.  So what are the methods we use to deliberately plan our training? The bulk of our time and effort to have successful training will be spent in planning it, so we owe it to ourselves to seek best methods.
In 3×5 Leadership, Josh offers us a m…[Read more]
spatelis replied to the topic Things to learn about the IG Office in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 10 months ago
Just want to chime in and say I’m very interested to see the discussion about the IG and the “top 3” issues you mentioned.
spatelis replied to the topic Heavy Weapons Platoon SOP's/Planning in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago
I have uploaded a Heavy Weapons SOP over in the content section of the forums.
@mrice14, Looking forward to a future SOP contribution once you’ve refined it and made it Army so others can benefit from your success.
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