
  • @spatelis – definitely agree we don’t want to diminish the enlisted and warrant contribution, but almost any argument we make is going to imply such a diminishment. Playing devil’s advocate on your proposed line of argument, I can see an audience asking how our enlisted population are not unique, risk takers, or young. If we make an argument for…[Read more]

  • @ae_rollinson @spatelis : I’m not just trying to answer why an officer billet exists in different MTOEs or TDAs, but why we commission lieutenants straight out of college, often with no prior real world experience. Of the nations that have ever had officers, I’m sure not all of them created an officer corps exactly like ours. One of my Soldiers…[Read more]

  • This is a fascinating idea, good question! In short, I would say that officers have the role of “planners” and enlisted have the role of “doers”. Now disclaimer – that is a gross oversimplification (even if stereotypes are mental shortcuts) and very watered down. It’s kind of a rephrasing of @spatelis – if you’re constantly trying to plan into the…[Read more]

  • Steven, @spatelis,

    Great question and input. I think mission and environment dependent, we will have to slowly become more familiarized with  implementing cyber and ew effects at the tactical level. There are great AARs from NTC that demonstrate how company commanders are being affected by cyber and EW. At the very least, we should encourage cyb…[Read more]

  • At the request of @spatelis: here’s the short translation of the above documents:

    It’s going to rock some people’s worlds (S1 or not) because it’s a significant cultural change for officers not being able to just walk into an S1, get a fix, and walk out with a new ORB in hand. I’m speculating that either anything done in TOPMIS will disappear…[Read more]