In this blog we explore topics relevant to leader development and junior officers.
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Service as a general's aide can be a profound broadening experience that provides insight into how senior leadership run the Army. The assignment can be a "strong predictor of success" …
Not every time a leader takes care of a subordinate is an easy decision. Sometimes there may be a conflict between the mission and taking care of others...
The number of different scenarios or problems a leader could face are innumerable. This is one reason why successful leaders are constantly learning. While many …
If there is a significant portion of leaders who are toxic to subordinates, yet the vast majority of those leaders consider themselves self-aware, it follows at least some portion who …
Working hard is a simple concept to understand and intuitive for leaders. It is only the application where a leader usually trips up. After all, hard work is just that… …
Leaders develop others. Period. While that is simple to say, it is often more challenging to do. Developing people is a complex process that requires commitment, time, and effort. Learning …
Dear CJO, I'm a cadet preparing to graduate this month. This day seemed like it would never come when I started almost four years ago. Now it's almost here. With …
There is an amazing, less known, story of 9/11. As people were trying to escape from the World Trade Center area after the terrorist attacks...
Subordinates look to their leaders to see what right looks like and to figure out what the norms are within an organization. Leaders may espouse that looking professional is important, …
Perhaps the great lie of leadership is we can "motivate" our troops to success. Somehow through the power of the perfectly crafted speech and incentives I can accomplish any mission. …
Many times when we talk about leadership characteristics, we think of things like integrity, character, taking care of others, decision making, etc. While those are …
We have seen countless scandals in the military, the government, and in the private sector where senior leaders have made very unethical and immoral decisions. Those leaders were all highly …