
  • Good morning everyone! Yes, it’s me, everyone’s favorite salty-Captain. I wanted to push a quick update on my SkillBridge/CSP internship. Short answer, it was approved! I’ve been out of uniform for a month, learning the intricacies of the federal workforce. One of the projects I’m detailed with, is getting the word out about the DoD SkillBridge…[Read more]

    • For more information, go to the Army’s CSP site on the Army . com site, or feel free to reach out to me and I’ll help how I can; brkyng @ or by my Department of Labor email at; young.brock.j @

  • Junior Officer;
    It has been a while since I’ve posted, and I’m sorry to have been lagging in my participation. However life has taken up much of my time, and that time has been spent on preparing for my retirement. March 31, 2021 will be my last day in the Army, and if (when) my DoD Skill Bridge opportunity gets approved, I will be out of uniform…[Read more]

    • @raykimball, Thank you! If there is ever anything I can do for you, please let me know. If things go right, I’ll be involved pretty heavily in Federal Service in Northern CA.

  • WARNORD: Well all… My apologies for not logging in and taking part for a while, but I’ve decided it’s time for me to hang up the uniform. I’m still 433 days (but who’s counting) out, but an opportunity has opened that will put me out of uniform this coming October, so it’s right around the corner. I’ll be C-drive dumping the best I can between…[Read more]

  • We never had an “SOP,” but I used common sense factor TTPs as well previous military experience, to decide on how to develop them further.

    Year 1/2 SMPs with no/little military experience; I would attach them to a team leader and then squad leader. Let them learn the ropes at the team and squad levels and see down and dirty, tactical level…[Read more]

  • I know what it is like. I found myself struggling with finances in my early 20s. I was drowning in credit card debt, struggling to pay the bills, and not saving for my future. When I realized it was time for a change I used debt consolidation and Dave Ramsey to change things around. Once I was stable, I used the extra money I got from deployments,…[Read more]

  • “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.”

    Yes, yes, yes!!! I was just talking with my Arbinger class this morning- sometimes we really do have to fake it til we make it. But man…the ripple effect of pumping some positive attitude into the office is HUGE. Even when it’s hard to do it, optimistic attitudes really are contagious.

    What resonates…[Read more]

  • Thank you for sharing your thoughts and vulnerabilities as you reflect on your command time. It’s all so true- and for many of us, it does take going through the experience to really be able to take a step back and look at the lessons learned. It’s easy to say what we “wish” we had done differently, but you ARE human and you did your BEST with…[Read more]

  • Colin Powell’s 13 Life Rules for Any Future Leader
    In his book “It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership,” the four-star general and former secretary of state shares the 13 rules he lives by and how he learned…[Read more]

  • Immediacy of recognition is important. I couldn’t agree more with the sentiments in Chapter 24.

    I don’t even know if I would call these “rewards” but rather, necessary actions a leader needs to take to promote a positive work environment, strong team culture, and an environment where employees know their time is appreciated. I know I am much…[Read more]

  • A great article I read recently on the transition to becoming a field grade officer (I need to find the link and post it) posed a thought I love. ALWAYS give credit where it is due. I try to do this in everything- especially because my staff are the SMEs in the products we deliver. If I am ever speaking about a project/product we are submitting, I…[Read more]



    Now I’m learning too! Apparently the “53” applies to the Medical DA Civilians. But that site shows what other “series” are available.

  • Lead honestly, with integrity, and always find the “Joy” in work. Love on your people and don’t ever forget to thank them. These are my guiding principles in a nutshell and they tend to get me on the right azimuth anytime I am stressed out and need to be centered. I love Chapter 22 for the principles Marquet is bringing to the forefront. Playing…[Read more]

  • Ray, do civilians outside of MEDCOM get access to CP53 courses? I can’t remember when this program started but we have sent a few of our civilians on these TDYs and they love them! AND they’re centrally funded for us. I’ve even had our employees incorporate ones they want to go to in their annual IDPs.

  • I love the idea of shifting “responsibility” from the briefer to the participants. We have tried to incorporate this practice more at the hospital in order to teach and mentor our practice managers better. We found out after restructuring the administrative support staff in our organization that the majority of people attending briefings do not…[Read more]

  • Who is the next person to leave in your organization?

    I have to catch up in the book but I wanted to chime in on a relevant discussion that I’ll be bringing to the rendezvous. Our military and civilian physicians are leaving in droves. The Defense Health Agency has brought a lot of fear, anxiety, and changes to our healthcare system and a lot of…[Read more]

    • Where can you set the example of “thinking out loud”?

    You can set an example of “thinking out loud” by being transparent with your staff. When you are putting out guidance or instruction, gage who may benefit from your explanation of how you got to that decision. Example: I had to do an info paper on a topic relevant to our department data…[Read more]

    • Do you act first and think later? Or do you think first and then change your actions?

    I have learned over the years to take my time with decision making (as much as time will allow). Decisions in my field tend to be pretty complex and proper analysis needs to be done to determine the best course of action. Much of my life over the past year…[Read more]

  • — How do you recognize situations where you need to resist the urge to provide solutions?
    I work closely with the CPT who took my previous job from me. There are a handful of people in the facility who come to me with questions pertaining to his job- because they know I’ll know the answer. I used to answer these questions for them because I love…[Read more]

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