In this blog we explore topics relevant to leader development and junior officers.
If you don’t know where to start, click here for some of our most popular articles.

One of the most common missions new junior leaders struggle to perform effectively is the qualification range. A range is a significant allocation of resources …
Was it Mel Gibson's portrayal of then LTC Hal Moore in We Were Soldiers or Bill Murray's performance in Stripes that most enticed you to join the service? How about …
At the Center for Junior Officers (CJO), we work to deliver content where leaders can best consume it. One of the experiments we've tried this past year is producing instructional …
The purpose of these weeks was clear: To show me that I was an absolute disgrace who should not be listened to, and not worthy of the honor of leading …
When I got home after the awards ceremony, I was surprised to see the above photo (shared here with her permission) posted on her Facebook page.
The Branching of Year Group 2020 sparked a conversation within CJO about the utility of branches and branch identity for junior officers. Listen in as two of our team members …
Chuck Palahniuk in Fight Club said, "People don't listen, they just wait for their turn to talk." How good of a listener are you? Would your peers/boss/subordinates agree with your …
Almost anything could be generated quickly in an emergency -- with a few key exceptions. One of those exceptions was trust. How can junior officers build trust? To paraphrase GEN …
Have you ever wondered how the officer promotion process works? This article pulls back the curtain and demystifies that process.
What does "leading from the front" look like? Taken as a metaphor, this often-quoted phrase lacks specificity. What if I suggested it means you can skip your next meeting? Are …
Our 7 part series on how to successfully transition from a student to a LT. Part 7 -- Phase 4: Reporting to your First Unit.