In this blog we explore topics relevant to leader development and junior officers.
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Given the retention and morale issues the Army is currently experiencing, and the need to build/maintain a healthy organizational culture (e.g., a culture that addresses …
A simple phone call challenged everything I knew and believed about leadership. The challenges of commanding the COVID Task Force drew on every one of these ideas and introduced new …
Many might think what follows is "common sense." But ask yourself, how many feedback initiatives have you been a part of? Have they all been effective? If you're anything like …
The Army has recognized storytelling as a necessary leadership tenet. What does this mean and how does a junior officer employ it?
You've just taken over a new role role, whether as a new LT or a seasoned CPT. What are you going to do? Here are 5 tips for your first …
If your desire is to become a humble leader, you're already on the right track. Having the goal to improve your humility means you're motivated to develop. Here are 7 …
"This one time at Advanced Camp…" or how about, "So there I was…" Sound familiar? If you are anything like us, you enjoy hearing the occasional tale from those you …