In this blog we explore topics relevant to leader development and junior officers.
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Congratulations! You made it to your last 100 days. While you are in your final stretch, the work you’ve done to make it to graduation is far from complete. The …
Golf can be a valuable leader development tool – and we are NOT talking metaphorically. Playing golf can help you develop actual knowledge, skills, and …
During my OER outbrief for my first evaluation as a Captain, my Senior Rater began with words that shook me: “CPT Lightsey, the Army isn’t interested in how fast you …
For the ones who have felt alone and the ones we lost.
A Primer on the Integration of Armor into a Mechanized Infantry Company
Carl’s insubordination was not limited to a single instance – and it did not appear out of the blue. His behavior began somewhat benignly but, unchecked, increased in intensity and …
The role of an executive officer has manifold dimensions. Some of them, like resourcing training, are easier to grasp than others, like property divestment......
Military meetings, in particular, can become more about color-coded slides and stats than predicting and tackling the projected problem on the horizon.......
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is one of the most vital assets available to Army leaders; however, its cultivation often takes a backburner to other elements like …
The US Army is losing pilots at an alarming rate. About 10% of its active force per year exits the service for other opportunities, far beyond what it can hope …
Junior officer leader development programs often have a strong focus on things like character, emotional intelligence, or the interpersonal skills necessary to lead formations or serve on staffs.....
In the words of one NCOs I worked with, “officers will always be shown respect simply because of the rank........"