Alex.Pytlar changed their profile picture 6 years, 11 months ago
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic Everything We Do Is Training… How do you make it so? in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago
Couple of thoughts:
1- @rakimball, If we’re going to say that we are either training or executing, then I would argue that recovery and reflection are part of the execution. I’ve seen plenty of missions that end pay lip service in the OPORD about “consolidation and reorganization in Phase IV,” but a good unit makes sure we actually conduct a…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic Inspiring Discipline (March 2018 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago
I would offer that discipline, at least at the Company level and below, starts with knowing what right looks like. Similar to what our other commentators have mentioned, it is imperative that we learn what the standard is: read the doctrine, listen to senior mentors, and truly watch training for the sake of learning lessons instead of going…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic When to transition into a PL who shows individualized consideration in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 2 months ago
Definitely a great topic and it’s something I have tackled with my current LTs and the ones I also mentor on Staff. I’ll try not to repeat some of the specifics the other gentlemen have already posted, but to echo some of their thoughts:
– Understand you don’t have to have a grandiose vision or philosophy. Be specific and understand the…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic BOLC for Prospective Armor Officer in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 2 months ago
Good work leaning forward on BOLC prep. Your specialty will be based on your follow-on assignment. Ensure you try to pick up some notes from the other specialty as you go through, as three of the new LTs in my BN were originally assigned to light units and then ended up in a heavy brigade. I’m not a big fan of the specialization they’ve…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic What We're Not Discussing (December 2017 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 2 months ago
Very interested to see where this vote takes us. I see the “overload” issue more along the lines of formations choosing the right “requirements” to focus on. We live in a digital age, and DTMS is the “reality” for what training a formation has completed. Every QTB or Commander’s Dialogue, we discuss our training proficiency and ensure everything…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic Planning ABCT Company STX in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 11 months ago
My BDE (2ABCT)Â is about to enter our PLT-CO-BN STX train up. I haven’t seen the BDE CONOP yet for the CO STX, but the WARNO we received has us executing a 3 day rotation between a deliberate attack, a hasty defense, and a movement to contact. Obviously the actual execution of our STX is going to be different given our training environment here at…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic Can Leaders be introverts? in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 11 months ago
Up front, I’m definitely one of those extroverts that @cplenge is talking about when it comes to having to check myself to ensure I’m actually getting work done as opposed to always running around trying to stay “engaged.” With that being said, I agree that you have to know yourself and how your personality type/leadership style affects your…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic Leader Development Versus Leader Training in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 11 months ago
Given your definitions of Leader Training and Leader Development, I think you’ve already answered the first part of your question (whether or not the two are different). I would have to agree with @jkadel regarding whether or not an effective LPD program needs to have both (and the fact that most favor Training over Development).
As…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic Books every cadet and 2LT should read in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 12 months ago
I think the book list has been pretty exhaustive, but if I could add one more reading topic to the list, it would be Daniel Goleman’s article, “Leadership that Gets Results.” It’s a relatively short read (30 minutes to an hour for most people), and it covers some pretty worthwhile aspects for junior leaders. It covers emotional intelligence,…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic Arriving to Your First Unit in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 12 months ago
Can you be more specific? This might sound counterintuitive, but there is more than one “first impression.” Any phone call, letter, or email you send to your first unit before your arrival is a first impression. How you show up the first day of work (and what day you think is your “first day”) at your Brigade/Battalion is a first impression. Once…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic PT in the Real Army in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 12 months ago
I’d absolutely agree with Logisticus regarding the seriousness of the non-deployable Soldier issue – it’s a fight you’ll be expected to manage as a Platoon Leader and it is certainly something that Commanders at all levels are responsible to brief and understand.
More specifically to your question – there are Soldiers in the Army who are unfit…[Read more]
Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic Finding your leadership style in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 12 months ago
A good starting point for identifying your leadership style is Daniel Goleman’s “Leadership that Gets Results.” In it, he describes different aspects of Emotional Intelligence, the six Leadership Styles he and his team identified during their research, and the way these leadership styles affect your command climate. I only came across this article…[Read more]
Pytlar became a registered member 8 years ago
Alex.Pytlar became a registered member 8 years ago