Our articles are written by authors from all walks of life with the intent of developing and inspiring the Army’s Junior Leaders
Leadership is not easy, but it is crucial. So the next time you are facing challenges and feel like being a leader is difficult, know that it is supposed to …
A common theme for new company commanders is uncertainty surrounding the tools at their disposal to correct behaviors in their formations. The use of UCMJ is ultimately a tool to …
You've just taken over a new role role, whether as a new LT or a seasoned CPT. What are you going to do? Here are 5 tips for your first …
The greatest predictor of success in these situations is not how right you are or what justification you can provide to compel the other side to act -- the greatest …
On 13 October, Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy announced that "people" are the Army's top priority and that the force is working "to give junior leaders more time …
I shared seven words that wholly changed my perspective on leading others: “LT Crandle is a punk-ass bitch!”
If your desire is to become a humble leader, you're already on the right track. Having the goal to improve your humility means you're motivated to develop. Here are 7 …
In the words of one NCOs I worked with, “officers will always be shown respect simply because of the rank........"
Both chambers of Congress have proposed a 4.7% pay increase for troops next year. Combined with potential increases in BAH rates as well, this could put up to an additional …
"This one time at Advanced Camp…" or how about, "So there I was…" Sound familiar? If you are anything like us, you enjoy hearing the occasional tale from those you …
While a gradual approach may be prudent in many situations, some situations (like the one I experienced), require a new commander to act immediately and boldly to make necessary change …
It was a conversation I had several times as an assistant professor at the United States Military Academy (USMA). First-class cadets, mere months or even weeks from graduating, would approach …
The 3rd US Infantry Regiment, “The Old Guard,” is the Army’s elite ceremonial unit stationed at Fort Myer, VA, just south of the nation’s Capital. …
It would be naïve and ignorant for an Army leader to assume that they neither have a survivor of sexual assault in their ranks nor will they ever meet a …
How many formal counselings have you received during your military career? Can you count them on one hand? Two hands?
Many might think what follows is "common sense." But ask yourself, how many feedback initiatives have you been a part of? Have they all been effective? If you're anything like …
Congratulations, or I’m sorry that happened to you, whichever applies. Most likely it’s the latter....
It is over, just like that. You spent four years at your commissioning source, dreaming of being the next Dick Winters as a Platoon Leader and it was over in …
Unfortunately, it’s not clear how much altruistic behaviors matter for an officer’s overall evaluation, especially relative to other, more quantifiable leader attributes and competencies.
The inevitable tasking comes down -- your unit is required to send Observer/Coach/Trainer (OCT) augmentees to support the rotation of the sister unit. However, OCT …
Junior officer leader development programs often have a strong focus on things like character, emotional intelligence, or the interpersonal skills necessary to lead formations or serve on staffs.....
You have spent your nascent years preparing for this big moment—the moment that is often characterized as "the crucible" or "the rite of passage." Your …
Junior officers in the United States Army lack creativity - this is what a survey of Army leadership reveals. Why does this matter and what you can do about it?
Golf can be a valuable leader development tool – and we are NOT talking metaphorically. Playing golf can help you develop actual knowledge, skills, and …
“Share the hardship.” A phrase often used by leaders to inspire subordinates in tactical training and operations such as live fires, ruck marches, and physical training. But in the most …
The smallest lapse in discipline or unaccomplished task may result in mission failure. No matter how big or small the contribution, every member of the organization relies on every other …
I've served with more than a few Majors and Lieutenant Colonels who didn't know what a 5988E or a 2404 were, didn't know where their BII was stored in their …
This is Part 3 of a Series, view the series intro here and Part 2 here. Note: Quotes and feedback have been anonymized and modified for clarity.It has …
"Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look" -Marcus Aurelius
Being non-confrontational can have its upsides. Conflict-avoidant people aren't prone to burning bridges, and based on observation, they tend to strengthen teams rather than weaken them.
It was about 4:30 am and my Soldiers were showing up for their law enforcement shift. I was going to work in place of one of them, giving a lucky …
Last week, the Army released the results of the 2021 Major Promotion Selection Board (PSB)......
The AIM 2.0 Marketplace can be daunting even for those who have navigated its changing structure over several movement cycles. We look at the Marketplace from three perspectives: the mover, …
It's impossible to know, of course, but I have a hunch why. I was the Distinguished Guest Speaker, after all. Even though I was nominally junior to most of the …